Programming with Android™ is free app for beginners who want to learn from scratch. It is handy notes, e-book app which contains basic concept of Android™ topics program’s with output . By using this app it easy to become programmer. It is also for computer science engineering , IT , BE ,B-Tech , BCA ,B.Sc. (CS),B.Sc. (IT) & MCA students. This app is precise Android™ Tutorials with program .
Basics of Android,Layout Design:Lenear Layout,Relative Layout,Absolute Layout,Table Layout,Android widgets,Button and Edittext,Compound Widget,Arithmatic Calculation,AutoCompleteTextview,ProgressBar,Spinner,Date Picker,Time Picker,Advance widget,Custom Gallery,Gridview,Imageview,Tab,Videoview,Webview,Telephony Manager Dial Demo,Call Demo,SMS Send,Email,EMEI NO,Toast and Dialogbox,Toast,Simple Dialogbox,Edittext Dialogbox,List Dialogbox,Single Choice Dialogbox,Multi Choice Dialogbox,Progress Dialogbox,Horizontal Progress Dialogbox,List and Menu,ListView,Menu,Intent and Notification,Intent,Notification,Multimedia,Access Camera,Access,Gallery,Sound Button,Service and Content Provider :Service,Access Contacts,Add Contacts,Read SMS,Save SMS,Prefrence,Database,SharePrefrence,Sqlite,Wifi and Bluetooth :Wifi,BlueTooth,Advance android :Download Image From Server,Read File from Sdcard,Set Image as Wallpaper,JSON parsing,Bitmap and Animation:Bitmap,Animation,TTS :Text to Speech,Speech to Text,Android Graphics,Google map.
* Android is a trademark of Google Inc</br>